Zagreb and Ljubljana based KatušićKocbek Arhitekti is a medium sized office, with licensed architects in both countries.
Personal involvement is the way we approach all of our projects, whether they are small or large, corporate is not our issue.
Experience with a complex projects like laboratories and hospitals is one of our strengths.
Health & Laboratories
Health & Laboratories
Living, Health & Laboratories
Regentova cesta, Ljubljana - Šentvid, Slovenia
Education, Urban life, Working, Health & Laboratories
Schlachthausgasse, wien, Austria
Working, Health & Laboratories
Svilno, Rijeka, Croatia
Working, Health & Laboratories
Heinzelova ulica 85, Zagreb, Croatia
Education, Working, Health & Laboratories
Borongaj, Zagreb, Croatia
PATIO VILLA, K_C43, ŠIBENIK, construction site update
Tuesday, May 21st, 2024
- Jana Kocbek, u.d.i.a.
- born 1972, graduated in 1999 at the Faculty of Architecture of the University in Ljubljana. During her university years she studied at the Università della Svizzera Italiana, the Accademia di architettura, Mendrisio in Peter Zumthor Special Studio (1997). She worked in de Architekten Cie in Amsterdam from 2000 to 2001. Since 2004, she has been collaborating with the Produkcija 004. She works as a partner at KatušićKocbek arhitekti, Ljubljana / Zagreb since 2010.
- Davor Katušić, d.i.a. MA BiA
- born 1968. He graduated at the Berlage Institute in Amsterdam, with the theme of "Architectural Stability Within Dynamic Systems" (mentor: Alejandro Zaera - Polo) in 1999. Graduated from the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Zagreb in 1994. As part of his 1994-1995 graduate thesis, he resided at the Technische Universitaet in Vienna, with the topic of "Communication in public space". In 2000, he co-founded the Produkcija 004 office, as the only architect among partners in the company. He has been working as the partner at KatušićKocbek arhitekt, Ljubljana / Zagreb since 2010.
- Davor Katušić and Jana Kocbek founded their joint office KatušićKocbek Arhitekti in 2010, the authorial successor of the office Produkcija 004. The KatušićKocbek Arhitekti is a medium-sized international company with premises in Zagreb and Ljubljana and certified architects in Croatia and Slovenia. A personalized approach to each project, however large or small, is a hallmark of our office. A corporate, generic way of doing business is not how we operate. Using the BIM software and Autodesk Revit platform enables us to flexibly expand our office and a network of associates, according to our needs. The usage of Revit platform provides a better control of all project phases and final cost calculations, ranging from the project design and construction to maintenance. Experience in working on most complex projects, such as laboratories and hospitals is one of our most important competencies, as well as a reference for designing all architectural typologies. In our project design, we always apply the latest “green building” technology.
- The architectural work of the office drew international acclaim with their Emergency Terminal Zagreb project already in 2009. The ETZ has been awarded at home and abroad. The awards include the Viktor Kovačić Award (2009), World Architecture Festival Category Winner (2009) and the 47th Zagreb Salon of Architecture Award. The Emergency Terminal Zagreb has also been nominated for the prestigious European award Mies Van der Rohe and Contract World Award (Germany). The work has been presented in many notable architecture magazines, at home and abroad.
- Along with successful realizations of projects, KatušićKocbek Arhitekti lecture at international architectural symposia and conferences; The Piran Days of Architecture, Days of Oris, Life and Architecture conference in Pécs, Hungary, and others. Davor Katušić worked as a lecturer at the Art Academy in Split, a lecturer at IGUW, the Technische Universität in Graz, Austria, and a visiting professor at the Pécs University of Architecture, also working as a critic at the same university in Marcel Breuer Ph.D. School.
- We support the development of architectural idea and keep up with contemporary tendencies in the industry by participating in international and home architectural and urban competitions. KatušićKocbek Arhitekti received many awards, including the ones for Svačićeva ulica, Split (2nd prize, 2006), Ain Naadja Hospital, Algeria (1st prize, 2008), Detailed Design Plan for “Lugovoe” in Kaliningrad (1st prize, 2008), Residential settlement Getaldićeva (1st prize, 2008), Urbanistic Competition Duilovo (1st prize, 2009), Decoration of the Main Square in the Križ, Design of the Veliki trg and Škofja Park in Novigrad-Cittanova (1st prize, 2014), the second phase of the Competition for the New educational and city centre Wollerau, CH (2016), The Family hotel on the island of Hvar (1st prize, 2016), and the Terminal for cruise ships, central garage-and-business building and Gruž-Dubrovnik bus station (2nd prize, 2016).
- 2024 - Honorable mention, competition, National institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia
- 2022 - 1st prize, competition, National laboratory of health, environment and food, Maribor, Slovenia
- 2021. - 1st prize, competition, Urban renewal of the Medical area Vodmat, Ljubljana, Slovenia
- 2017. – Nominated for the Mies van der Rohe European prize for architecture - Slovenska Boulevard
- 2016. - Golden pencil award for Slovenska street, Ljubljana, (award - Chamber of Architecture and Spatial planning of Slovenia)
- 2016. - Family hotel Hvar, Island of Hvar, Croatia, invited competition 1st prize
- 2014. - Main square nad the Park of Novigrad Diocese, competition 1st prize
- 2013. - Exhibition, Ljubljana architectural Association
- 2013. - Golden pencil award for Pavilion Dojmi (Chamber of Architecture and Spatial planning of Slovenia)
- 2013. - Urban design, Town of Križ, Croatia, prize
- 2012. - Lecture, "Life and Architecture" conference University of Pecs, Hungary
- 2011. - Exhibition, Ljubljana architectural Association
- 2011. - Exhibition, Vision SO 07, More City, less Traffic, Ljubljana Slovenia
- 2011. - Lecture on the GIS conference Bucharest, Romania
- 2010. - Exhibition, Block conference, Belgrade Serbia
- 2010. – Nominated for the Mies van der Rohe European prize for architecture - Emergency Terminal, Zagreb
- 2010. - Lectures : 10th days of Oris, Zagreb ; University of Pecs, Hungary ; BLOK conference, Belgrade, Serbia
- 2010. - Pecha Kucha night Zagreb, V10
- 2010. - Military hospital Ain Naadja Algiers, competition 1st prize
- 2009. - Exhibition, Ljubljana architectural Association
- 2009. - Nominated "Mies van der Rohe" prize for contemporaray architecture
- 2009. - Exhibition, Piran days of architecture, Piran Slovenia
- 2009. - 47th Zagreb architectural salon, 2nd price
- 2009. - Lecture on the WAF, Barcelona festival
- 2009 – Awarded – Best Building of the year in Croatia « Viktor Kovacic award »
- 2009 – Awarded – WAF Best building of the world in Civic and community category
- 2009 – Nominated for the contractworld award Hannover, shortlisted (9)
- 2009 - Pecha Kucha night Ljubljana, T5 project space, V9
- 2009. - Urban design and nautical Marina, Duilovo, Split Croatia, competition 1st prize
- 2008. - Exhibition, Piran days of architecture, Slovenia
- 2008. - Lectures : Piranesi conference, Piran Slovenia ; Rijeka architects association
- 2008. - Urban design og Lugovoe (17.000 inhabitants), Kaliningrad Russia, competition 1st prize
- 2008. - Housing plan Getaldićeva Zagreb, competition 1st prize
- 2008. - Zagreb Central court building, competition 2nd prize
- 2007. - Exhibition, 3rd Rotterdam architectural biennal, Sweet Water
- 2007. – Nominated for the Croatian interior design award « Bernardo Bernardi »
- 2007. - Zagreb architects association
- 2007. - Urban and architectural design Svačićeva poljana, Split, competition 3rd prize
- 2006. - Exhibition, New Lighthouses, Klovićevi dvori Zagreb
- 2006. - Exhibition Wonderland - Zagreb, Ljubljana, Vienna
- 2006. - Beach design, Zlatni Rat, Bol, Island of Brač, competition 1st prize
- 2006. - Handball Center, Svetice Zagreb, Honorable mention
- 2005. - Exhibition Streaming, Museum Quartier Vienna
- 2005. - Exhibition, 2nd Rotterdam architectural biennial, The Flood
- 2004. - Emergency Terminal Zagreb, competition 1st price
- 2004. - Ina petrol station design, and identity, competition 2nd prize
- 2003. - Housing urban plan, POS Spansko Zagreb, competition 3rd prize
- 2003. - Urban plan Pragrande, Pula and Olympic swimming pool, city of Pula, competition, 1st prize
- 2002. - Ribarska street and mixed use building in Osijek, competition, 1st prize
- 2017.- PIRANESI (Slovenia), No.39/17, BIOCenter, How to Tame a Circle, by Dinko Peračić
- 2016.- PIRANESI (Slovenia), No.34, STONE HOUSE, Davor Mateković, text by D. Katušić
- 2015.-OUTSIDER (Slovenia), No.02, Summer 2015, Manifest prometne politike mesta, Nina Granda, B. Matić
- 2014. - ORIS (Croatia), No. 90/2014, BAS office extension, Archetypes of Contemporaneity, Matevž Granda
- 2014. - A10 (The Netherlands), No. 11/12, START - Transformed park and square Novigrad - Cittanova, Ivan Dorotić
- 2014. - PIRANESI (Slovenia), No.34 vol.22, Zagreb Metropolitan City Hall, Davor Katušić
- 2013. - ab (Slovenia), No. 12/2013, No. 197-198, Slovenska street Ljubljana
- 2012. - PIRANESI (Slovenia), No.31/2012, Architecture as a Device for the Town, as Accentuation and Reinforcement of the Town, Idis Turato
- 2012. - ORIS (Croatia), No. 78/2012, New Roof for City Living Room, Tadej Glažar
- 2012. - C3 (Korea), No.336, Zagreb Emergency Terminal
- 2011. - A10 (The Netherlands), 10/11, Accident and Emergency service building, Maja Vardijan
- 2010. - EXE (France), No. 2, Sterile Multitude, Nadege Mevel
- 2010. - ORIS (Croatia), 4th SPECIAL ISSUE, House or Home, Alan Kostrenčić
- 2010. - ALPRAJZ (Hungary) 2/2010, Elosegely-dobos (Mashol)
- 2010. - D-LUX MAGAZINE (Italija), April 7/2010, Luce d'emergenza
- 2010. - DB (Deutsche Bauzeitung), 04/2010, Notfallzentrum, R.J. Loher
- 2012. - ZAGREB ARCHITECTURAL GUIDE 1898-2010, Aleksandar Laslo
- 2009. - A10 (The Netherlands), 11/12 2009., Accident and Emergency building Zg, Maja Vardijan
- 2009. - HIŠE (Slovenia). 55/2009, 94 Calls!, Mattea K. Panter
- 2009. - ČOVJEK I PROSTOR (Man and Space, Croatia), 5/6 2009., New Urban Landmark, Renata Margaretić Urlić
- 2009. - ORIS (Croatia), 57/2009, A step Ahead of Social Reality, Maroje Mrduljaš
- 2009. - PROJEKT (Croatia) 14/2009, Vine cellar Kozlović, Maroje Mrduljaš
- 2008. - PROJEKT (Croatia) 09/2008, Emergency Terminal Zagreb, Maroje Mrduljaš
- 2008. - MINIMARLIKTA MALZEME (Turska), 8/2008, Tarz Sahibi Cepheler, Ilkay Ongun
- 2008. - DB (Deutsche Bauzeitung), 01-02/2008, Erleben von gemeinschaft und individualitaet, by Maroje Mrduljaš, d.i.a., translation Vesna Holzner
- 2007. - ČOVJEK I PROSTOR (Man and Space, Croatia), 11-12/2007, The City's Living Room, Ivana Haničar Buljan
- 2007. - ČOVJEK I PROSTOR (Man and Space, Croatia), 7-8/2007, Multydisciplinary Reflection On The Past, Anamarija Hucika
- 2007. - ORIS (Croatia), 43/2007, Mise En Scene Architecture, Maroje Mrduljaš
- 2006. - ČOVJEK I PROSTOR (Man and Space, Croatia), 3-4/2006, Experiences, Tonči Žarnić
- 2006. - ČOVJEK I PROSTOR (Man and Space, Croatia), 1-2/2006, New Protagonists, Maroje Mrduljaš
- 2006. - CROATIAN ARHIPELAGO NEW LIGHTHOUSES , publisher: Berlage Institute, co-publisher Croatian Architect'c Association, producer: Coastline Office, Rotterdam 2006, "Sweet Water"